Nationwide Consulting Experience
Barnwell Consulting offers consulting services to clients across the United States. With offices in multiple states, we have extensive SALT expertise in virtually any jurisdiction.
The Art of Credits & Incentives
Can we make your tax credits larger? Are there other factors that would enhance them? To achieve the maximum negotiated credits and incentives we rely on our years of experience. Negotiating credits and incentives may be described as an art, not a science, with traps for the unwary. It is often what a client does not do, as opposed to what they do, that can make the difference in a negotiated incentive project.
Should My Company Collect Sales Tax? When? Where? How?
Let us assist you in finding answers to these questions and provide you with practical solutions. Whether your company should collect sales tax should be a simple matter. But it’s not. If you have a growing internet business, it's important to understand whether your company should collect, and if so in which states. We believe the “simple” question of tax collection isn’t as simple as it may seem.